Our FetLON stack is a reliable and versatile solution for the LON® protocol. It enables the processing of the LON® protocol on any manufacturer-independent microcontrollers and on a simple bus interface; and furthermore provides long-term and maximum flexibility due to the independence from technology providers and avoids single-source dependencies.
Economical and energy-efficient with small footprint and low performance demands on processors, it is compatible with various controllers, storage media and peripheral units.
With its minimum operating system requirements and its scalable design it is adaptable to different systems (including Zephyr, FreeRTOS or Bare Metal environments) as well as
to different storage types and storage sizes.
Our who Communications Transformer BV2021-8 allows a wide range of applications due to its small size and SMT mounting.
Further information can be found in the flyer. For pricing please use the contact form.